Recharging the mind and body. This means taking time to rest, relax, and replenish your energy levels, both mentally and physically, by engaging in activities that promote your well-being, such as getting enough sleep, exercising, eating healthy foods, spending time in nature, practicing mindfulness, and taking breaks from stress-inducing activities.
How exactly do we do this? Spa Trip! You guessed right. There are many ways to ease the mind and the body—meditation, yoga, light exercises, long walks, listening to music, dancing, going for a run, reading a book, and my personal preference… sleeping. Recharging the mind and body focuses on a lot of aspects.
Aspects of recharging the mind and body;
- Physical aspects. This is where adequate sleep and exercise come in. Taking naps, doing a five-minute full-body stretch, for example, and engaging in light physical activity.
- Mental aspects. Mentally, everyone needs to relax. Here, practices like meditation, deep breathing exercises, listening to calming music or just being out in nature come in handy. Fun fact: Did you know going out, connecting with nature, touching some grass—if I may say—petting some animals or just a dog or a cat, can cure depression?
- Stress management. Identifying what stresses you and doing something about it is a way of prioritizing your well-being. Some ways to actively manage this is through techniques like journaling—keeping a record of the stressful parts of your days or even talking to someone about it.
- Social connection. Saying yes to friend outings, going to the movies, picnic dates, grabbing some coffee, going on art dates, doing pottery, going outdoor gaming and even swimming. Spending time with loved ones and friends really eases your mind.
- Nutritional management. Meal planning. Eating a balanced meal, incorporating fruits into your diet, eating plenty of vegetables and whole grains, and hydrating.
A better way to recharge is a trip to the spa. Spas are known for relaxing services and healing amenities that can improve your physical and mental health. Spa therapy combines hydrotherapy, patient education, nutrition and physical therapy as the main modalities used.

The feeling of burnout is all too common in our generation, thanks to relentless modern life. We deserve a serene place to melt away stress and come out as a baby. The benefits of spa days extend far deeper than simply relaxing.
Benefits of spas
- Spa treatments like massages and aromatherapy create a calmer mind by lowering cortisol levels. Cortisol is often referred to as the stress hormone. Regular spa visits contribute to your better mental health by increasing steroine and dopamine production. Steroine is a type of medicine that is used to treat menstrual problems.
Skilled therapists ease muscle tension during the massage to attain a relaxed state. Aromatherapy utilizes oils like lavender and chamomile. They have proven stress-reducing properties for inducing endorphins, another natural mood elevator in the body.

- Enhanced skin health. We all like having clear, spotless, glowing skin. That shine and smoothness that comes after a great exfoliation session and the relief it brings about is worth it. The magic of spa treatments extends to our largest organ, the skin. The exfoliation process helps to remove dead skin cells, revealing your natural color. Facials, another staple spa treatment offer cleansing, unclogging pores, and removing impurities from the skin. Who wants dark marks and acne scars anyway?
When blood vessels dilate, more blood flows through them, resulting in numerous benefits to the skin. The hydration serums, masks, and creams at the spa inject moisture into the skin, leaving it plump. Science backs this up: proper hydration reduces the appearance of wrinkles, resulting in a rejuvenated experience. You get to leave the spa looking and feeling younger.
- Anti-Aging Benefits. Let’s tone down those wrinkles and be forever young. As we age, our skin loses elasticity, fine lines and wrinkles appear, and gradually the youthful glow can seem like a distant memory. I hope you see where I’m going with this. Facials with retinol, antioxidants, etc. can reduce the appearance of these fine lines and wrinkles on your skin.

Light therapy, for example, helps to even out skin tone and reduce hyperpigmentation. This can make your skin brighter, as this treatment targets dark spots and discoloration.
- Detoxification. Our bodies are constantly working to eliminate waste products and toxins. While our organs do a remarkable job on this, extra support can benefit our health. Spa treatments like dry bushing, body wraps, and saunas enhance the body’s natural detoxification process.

There are massages specifically designed for lymphatic drainage that help stimulate the system, which improves the elimination of toxins and fluids. Methods like exfoliation help to unclog pores, prevent acne, even out skin tone, help in lymphatic drainage, and boost blood circulation.


Are you tired yet? From all that running around and ‘working?’ Weekdays are hectic… everyone agrees. Some people consider calling in sick on Wednesdays, leaving it all behind to catch up with some quality sleep and peace of mind. Others run for coffee. Black and bitter, running down your throat, leaving that coffee-ry taste in your mouth, the caffeine perks you up, and there’s something incredibly soothing about sipping a steaming cup of Joe. But is drinking coffee good for you?

Coffee boosts energy mainly because it contains caffeine, which is a natural stimulant.
How caffeine works
- Caffeine blocks adenosine. Adenosine is a neurotransmitter in your brain that causes feelings of relaxation and drowsiness. Caffeine blocks this neurotransmitter. The caffeine in coffee prevents adenosine from making you feel sleepy by blocking its receptors. You feel awake and alert as a result of this.
- Increases dopamine. The “feel-good” neurotransmitter dopamine, which elevates mood and can give you greater energy and attention, can also be released more readily when you consume caffeine. Low dopamine levels can make you tired, moody and unmotivated, resulting in low concentration and productivity.
- Stimulates the Central Nervous System. Caffeine can raise blood pressure and heart rate by stimulating the central nervous system, which makes you feel more alert and invigorated.
- Increased Adrenaline. It can also raise adrenaline levels, which can enhance physical performance by preparing your body to move or undertake an activity.
- Enhances Metabolism. Caffeine helps your body burn more calories and feel more active overall by slightly increasing your metabolism.
- Caffeine also helps in improving muscle speed and endurance.
- Muscle speed: Caffeine can improve the efficiency and speed of muscles.
- Endurance: Caffeine can improve stamina and physical strength.
The case for coffee is stronger than ever. Study after study shows that you could be getting more from your favorite morning beverage than you thought. Caffeine is the first thing that comes to mind when you think about coffee. But coffee also contains antioxidants and other active substances that may reduce internal inflammation and protect against diseases. In short, coffee is chock full of substances that are beneficial to our health.
Benefits of coffee

- Studies show that long-term coffee drinkers have a decreased risk of Parkinson’s disease. Parkinson’s disease is a progressive brain disorder that causes movement problems, mental health issues, and other health concerns. It’s caused by the death of nerve cells in the brain that produce dopamine, a chemical messenger that controls movement.
- Coffee is loaded with antioxidants, such as chlorogenic acids, which can help reduce oxidative stress in the body. Antioxidants fight free radicals, which may play a role in aging and disease processes. For many people, coffee is the largest source of antioxidants in their diet, even more so than fruits and vegetables.
- Supports Metabolism and Weight Loss. Coffee can stimulate thermogenesis, which is the process of generating heat in the body, leading to an increased calorie burn. This, combined with caffeine’s appetite-suppressing properties, may aid in weight management. Several studies suggest that coffee drinkers may have a lower risk of obesity or have more success in maintaining weight loss.
- Improves Mood and Mental Health. Coffee is known to have a positive impact on mental well-being by boosting dopamine levels and enhancing the effects of serotonin, which are linked to improved mood and a reduced risk of depression.
Some studies show that coffee drinkers have a lower risk of depression and suicide. Caffeine’s mild stimulating effects can also help reduce feelings of anxiety in certain people, though it may have the opposite effect on those who are sensitive to caffeine.

While coffee has these benefits, it’s important to keep in mind that moderation is key. Excessive coffee intake can lead to negative side effects such as insomnia, anxiety, digestive issues, and increased heart rate. Generally, 2-3 cups of coffee, about 300 mg of caffeine, are considered safe for most adults. As much as coffee is beneficial, it is also good to take note of its disadvantages.
So as you sit in that booth and sip on that amazing coffee, remember all this and keep it in mind. Drink coffee moderately.
Mondays are always hectic. Settling into the norm of getting up early and sometimes not getting enough sleep. The hustle and bustle—am I right? With all the myths on socials talking about Mondays, it is safe to assume everyone hates Mondays. What is the key to having a great week?-A great Monday at that?
Some start their week with mantras, a lot of coffee, and high hopes that the traffic will be less, roads will be emptier, and that guy from work won’t be as grumpy.
With all that is said and done, here are some tips to ensure smooth transitions into Monday.
- Fresh laundry
Clean clothes. Imagine that shirt you like so much: washed, dried, ironed, and smelling like the sun and heaven. Imagine those ‘stunna’ pants you like to rock on Mondays, that Furla bag that fits everything all at once… nicely washed and the leather shiny. That suit combo that always gets the attention of everyone at the office, smelling of flowers and fabric softener.
The first step to having a great week is clean clothes. At Clarion Laundry, we do everything… dry cleaning, machine washing, kneading and squeezing, stain removal, drying… everything.
We worry about your clothes so you can worry about other stuff. We clean, dry, and fold; all you have to do is store.

- Early meal planning
As much as clean and organized clothes are important, breakfast tops it all. What you eat can either make your day or destroy it—fun fact. Whether it’s prepping for your meals or eating out, a laid-out plan is always effective to avoid inconveniences. Planning a meal is something that is never given attention.
For example, on Sunday write up a plan on how breakfast will be, the ingredients, the time, or maybe just decide to catch a bite on the way. You may prefer to make breakfast at home or visit that café that serves exquisite coffee that does your taste buds justice or that tea that leaves you feeling giddy and happy. Those tasty, ‘to-die-for’ croissants, that cinnamon bun, a slice of velvet cake, or that marble vanilla. Planning is important to make sure you capture all the details you expect for the week.

- Early to bed, early to rise
Getting up is the worst, especially after a nice weekend of healing and restoration. Early to bed, early to rise, works like a charm. Sleeping early reduces the fuss of not getting enough sleep and waking up cranky because your alarms won’t be quiet for two minutes.
- No meetings Monday
Prioritize Monday for work. Consider dedicating the day to working without interruptions. This technique may motivate you throughout the week.
- Start with movement
A little bit of movement is always good for your body. Some yoga, light exercises, full-body stretches, or even a walk in the morning. A bit of light exercise is important to keep your body active throughout the day.
- Mindset shift
Think of this like a new week resolution or a Monday resolution to kill the blues. Set a small goal that can be achieved that day or even throughout the week. Something that can keep you motivated and anxious the whole week—something that gives you some excitement and adrenaline. Make it exciting and thrilling so you keep thinking about it until you accomplish it.
- Hydrate
These days life is all about hydration. Starting your days with a warm glass of water or any warm beverage you prefer to drink makes you feel less bloated. Hydrating early in the day helps to reduce grogginess and is a simple way to feel more alert and awake throughout the day.
- Prioritize self-care
Start your mornings with uplifting music, some meditation, and a relaxing hot shower to prioritize your well-being.
- Dress well
Direct confidence booster. Choose your outfits well to accentuate your moods and energy levels.
- Plan something enjoyable to do later
Meet up with friends, watch a movie, go for a picnic—something fun to look up to at the end of the day.
- Practice gratitude
Take a few moments to reflect on all that you are grateful for. Doing this can shift your perspective of the day and leave you feeling happier and thankful for that chance to exist and carry on with life.

Why give your Saturday nights to us? We are about to show you why they should belong to The Clarion Hotel Nairobi. Saturday nights are sacred. Most people don’t plan their Saturday nights, but we always end up somewhere, whether hanging out with friends or staying in and watching movies.
The big question is, how do you spend your Saturday nights? How do you spend the weekend? Two days of absolutely no disturbances and keeping to yourself—relaxing, as some of you may call it. How do you unwind from the truckload of stress that comes with “Weekdays”?
Going to a hotel—off the grid, if you get what I’m saying—is probably the best idea. The other big question is, Why The Clarion Hotel? Why us? We are located in the Nairobi CBD, making it hard to escape from city life in a city. Funny story… Let’s find out why.
- Rooms
We have 62 rooms in total, all tailored to fit the norm of ‘home away from home’. The rooms are tastefully furnished with a touch of African heritage, a commanding view of the Nairobi skyline, the magnificent Thika Superhighway, and the recently revamped Jeevanjee Gardens. Each room has been specifically appointed to offer paramount luxury and comfort for guests of all calibers.

The rooms are categorized as Standard (40), Twin (6), Superior (5), Deluxe (6) and Suites (5) so don’t worry; we can accommodate you and your friend.
The rooms are connected to the internet through cable and Wi-Fi hotspots, making the whole facility a hotspot. As mentioned above ‘home away from home.’
- Views
Views are not recognized enough. They are not given attention the way they are supposed to. ‘Being in the CBD, there’s not much of a view.’ Wrong. A common misconception of cities is that there’s polluted air and everyone has to wear ear muffs because of noise pollution. That’s just talk—let us talk views. Quick question… Have you ever seen Nairobi at night? The city is magnificent; city lights from buildings, street lamps and moving vehicles make it so beguiling and hypnotizing; even traffic looks pretty at night.
Picture this: the beauty of orange, white and red lights from high ground, gorgeous and prepossessing. Views of sunrise as the city wakes up and the buzz of life comes on, views of sunsets as the world goes to sleep and technology lights up the night, alluring; pretty as a painting.
If you’re one of those people who like to watch the world move, have a seat at the restaurant terrace and enjoy what you see.
Food, food and good food are important parts to living. We live to eat. We live to explore all kinds of food and be tiny critics of our own. Creamy, crunchy, salty, savory, flaky, glazed, sweet, rich, fresh, spicy, tender… we’ve got all that. Let us leave you with that taste in your mouth: ‘I want more.’ Even if it is just for the night, with our carefully curated menus, vegan or not let us blow your mind- and taste buds of course. Experience local cuisines with a touch of difference, finger-licking good. A la carte, buffet, chef’s special? We deliver.

Cocktail? Mocktail? Coffee? Tea? Iced water? Something something on the rocks? Late-night drinks? Wine? We have it all. Gin and tonic, martinis (especially a dirty martini), Gordon’s gin, Negroni, piña colada, Bombay, Margarita, Cosmopolitan, Sex on the Beach—Rainforest bar is around to cater to all your needs drink-wise. Make that call or walk to the bar and see what all the hype is about.

- Health Club
Saturday night equals relaxation from the hustle and bustle of the whole week. The health club is a good way to ease your mind for starters. Work out the stress or get the stress worked out—get it?
Let’s start with working out the stress. For all gym buddies out there, we have your back. Welcome to the Clarion Hotel Gym. Treadmills, stationary bike, dumbbells, lat pulldowns, leg presses, bench presses, elliptical trainers, barbells, and a trainer to oversee your workouts, help out and maybe be your spotter. Everyone needs a good spot and who better than a professional?

Get the stress worked out. This is also very essential. When we don’t hit the gym, we hit the spa. We blend traditional spa therapies with contemporary innovations to provide unparalleled experiences. A trip to the spa does have health-giving properties. It could be essential oils used for your facial that will give you relief from that pounding headache. The massage techniques used to ease up the knots in your joints and give you relief from those aching muscles. A couple stretches to relieve your joints and leave you feeling lighter and more flexible than usual.

It could also be a trip to the sauna or the steam bath. Let the heat cure you. Heat treatment is known for its numerous health benefits, including improved circulation, stress reduction, improved skin health, weight loss, improved workout recovery and cardiovascular health, just to name but a few.

Reap all these benefits with us, where everything is about you.
- Internet
This should have been first on the list, but oh well. With technology ruling our world, it is important to be able to access the internet. Whether it’s to browse through channels on YouTube, update a vlog, follow up on your favorite show on Hulu or Netflix, send that snap to friends, scroll through TikTok, laugh through reels on Instagram, or catch the news on Facebook- good internet connection is a must-have. Saturday nights are for catching up.
The whole building is connected to the internet through Wi-Fi and cable hotspots. You don’t have to be left out on the social media fun due to poor internet; we have you sorted.

The hospitality industry is a fast-growing and fast-changing industry… this is no myth or story. As technology and people grow and evolve, so does the industry. As businesses change their focus from past events to the future, it is important to consider priorities. Hotels must change how they provide services to a more flexible model that is capable of adapting to the needs of an ever-changing market. Some of these trends include:
Bleisure Travel
Bleisure travel is a portmanteau… meaning a combination of business and leisure travel, where business travelers extend their trip to include some extra time for personal activities. This type of travel is becoming popular among travelers since it reduces the cost of accommodation. Most travelers will opt for the same hotel for the entirety of their trip, giving access to favorable pricing for extended stays while sharing the spend according to GBTA (Global Business Traveler Association).
There are two types of bleisure travel: Business Travel, which is extended on the front or back of a visit, and Business Trips taken with friends and family coming along for the ride.
This is using real-time data, Artificial intelligence (AI), and machine learning to tailor customer experiences, for example. It uses large amounts of real-time data to understand individual preferences and adapts to provide personalized experiences.
How this works in hotels;
- The hotel collects data on what guests like, their preferences, and behaviors from past interactions.
- The hotel then uses the data collected in real-time to create personalized experiences for each guest. For example, customized room settings, personalized communication and services.
Hyper-personalization is not just about utilizing technology; it is also about building meaningful connections with guests. For example, if a guest has a history of ordering room service at a particular time, the hotel can anticipate this and offer menu options that cater to the guest’s preferences.

This is a social goal for people to co-exist on Earth over a long period. In the hospitality industry, this translates to a set of practices that aim to reduce the environmental and social impact of tourism. Guests will look to stay at hotels that prioritize sustainable offerings.
The industry must ensure that it works in harmony with the environment and is mindful of its social and economic impact by not overconsuming resources, working to conserve biodiversity, not polluting and respecting the local communities and workers. Sustainability can be achieved through:
- Resource Conservation: For example, to conserve water, use low-flow faucets and showerheads. For waste management, use reusable cutlery and recyclable plastics and compost food waste.
- Responsible Procurement: Use locally produced, fair trade, and environmentally friendly goods and services, and support small businesses in your community.
- Community Engagement: The hotel can support cultural preservation and social development initiatives and respect the locals and workers.
- Providing education and awareness on sustainability, what it entails, its specific practices, benefits to workers, locals and even the guests themselves.
Health and Wellness
Health has been described in different ways and has had different purposes over time. It refers to physical and emotional well-being, especially that associated with the normal functioning of the human body, devoid of diseases, pain or injury.

Health and wellness, this trend continues to gain popularity and momentum, especially during the post-pandemic era. Wellness continues to be a priority for guests. People are increasingly health-conscious and enthusiastic about any form of self-care and are increasingly keen to combine leisure and travel.
Hotels could benefit more from shifting towards offering more holistic packages. This could be done by offering in-room massages, sunrise yoga, wellness shots at the hotel’s bar, as well as vegan and vegetarian menu options. Leveraging low-season wellness retreats to boost revenue during the off-season.

Think Local
Embracing local consumption is closely tied to sustainability and is also emerging as an important trend in the hotel industry. Finding ways to involve the local community will create a richer, more authentic experience for your guests and make them feel like an important part of your hotel’s story. For example, partnering with locals for things like décor and local cuisines can greatly enhance your brand while positively impacting the environment because through this the guest experiences a tiny part of the culture in the area.

Increased Emphasis on Hygiene and Safety
As explained above, people value their health and as much as this is so, they also value their safety. Ensuring your hotel poses no health or security risks attracts more guests than normal.
Hygiene and safety post-pandemic have moved from a ‘nice to have’ to a ‘must have’. Guests want to know what is being done to protect them during their stay at your hotel, whether it’s carrying out regular fumigation of rooms, disinfecting of surfaces, or regular patrols around the hotel—they want to know. Implementing hygiene strategies and security checks is an important part of taking the hotel to the future.
Social Media
This is a way to communicate and share information online. Social media plays a crucial role in marketing, customer engagement, brand management and reputation, gaining insights into customer preferences which allows hotels and restaurants, for example, to interact directly with guests and showcase their offerings, respond to feedback in real-time ultimately impacting their booking rates and overall customer experience. Social media is a powerful tool to build brand awareness and foster loyalty through online interactions.

Some key points to note are:
- Targeted marketing: Social media allows hotels and restaurants to target specific demographics based on interests and location, maximizing the reach of marketing efforts and campaigns.
- Promotional opportunities: It can be used to promote packages, special offers, events and seasonal offers to reach broader markets.
- Visual appeal: There are a couple of ways your hotel or restaurant can be seen. Platforms like Instagram and Facebook are ideal for showcasing images of hotel rooms, restaurant dishes and even drinks offered at the bar, which can inspire potential clients to book or visit the hotel.
- Reputation management: Customer feedback on social media platforms can impact your hotel business either positively or negatively. It is crucial to monitor and respond to comments and questions promptly and improve on services where necessary.

Love Town- Valentine’s Weekend Getaway
Weekend getaways? What comes to mind when the words weekend and getaway are thrown around together? It is self-explanatory to almost everyone. Formal definition or not, this easily translates to saying goodbye to home and the stress of work and just being suffocated by responsibilities for just a short while. Surprising what a weekend of relaxation can do to the body.
And the icing on the cake is a Valentine’s Weekend getaway. Valentine’s is that one day in a year that is always about love. All this information easily translates to a romantic weekend. Don’t worry, at Clarion Hotel Nairobi… we got you. A three-day night out, away from home. With activities to just relax, feel, give and receive love. Penzi Town, where everyone is headed, officially begins this Valentine’s Day at The Clarion Hotel.
On day one, you and your partner check-in in the afternoon, unpack and get ready for dinner. A candlelit dinner at our Oceanic restaurant at the far seats near the window overlooking the city as it comes to life in the night, a drink or two or even four at our Rainforest Bar dancing to a slow song feeling the buzz of the night and the alluring soft breeze from an open window, relaxing at the terrace of the restaurant, a drink in hand, sitting on those high seats chatting your ears away and just looking at the zoom of cars as they drive past, feeling the wind on your face and admiring the view.

Enjoy one of those parties that Clarion Hotel always hosts for lovers on special days like this one, participate in the games and maybe… just maybe get voted Mr. and Mrs. Valentine. Earn a prize and even get to request a song to dance to in the spotlight as everyone watches you and you watch your partner. A little elevator trip as you head to your room—or take the stairs, whichever one is more romantic. Swipe the key card, go into the room and gasp in awe at the romantically decorated room with petals lining the floor. Order a bottle of wine, spice up the night, set the mood, relax in each other’s company—or do what lovers do—on a getaway away.

Day two, wake up, freshen up, head down for breakfast, or order in through room service. Chat through the meal nicely prepared to soothe your taste buds. Laze around or go for a walk or a drive even outside the hotel. Connect with nature, see some green, look at birds and just admire the calmness of the environment. With the strategic position of The Clarion Hotel, right in the heart of Nairobi CBD, get your groove on—go shopping, street food hunting, indoor gaming, swimming—interact with the locals and get to see what Nairobi has to offer.
Get back to the hotel and book a health club appointment. Gym or spa, whichever one you prefer doing first. Get a few workouts in, get that body in shape and when you’re sore enough, hop in the shower, then head to the spa. Get those knots in your neck and back smoothed out. Let the masseur work their magic on you and free you from the soreness of being stuck in traffic, the wrinkles from worrying too much and the sore muscles on your feet and calves from being up and about all week. After the massage, head to the sauna. Let that heat cure underlying tensions.

Leave the health club feeling healthier and lighter. Settle down in the room after freshening up. Order in or head down for lunch or maybe get a snack at The Clarion Café; a cup of coffee or tea with croissants would hit the spot.
Day three, this is the part that hurts the most. Saying goodbye is the saddest part of all experiences. Yes, we get to keep the memory, but what about the moment? How do we get to relive it? Sad as it is, the train to Penzi Town officially makes the last stop of the tour. Well, there is always a next time, and next is always better. So as you get up, prepare yourself, pack up, eat a healthy meal and check out of our hotel, we hope to see you again.
For reservations, call 0721485024 or Email us at reservations@theclarionhotel.co.ke